The Slide Show has to be "Browsed at a Kiosk". I don't want to give the users the option to go to the next slide by pressing the next key or anything like that.
It's a quiz game. By pressing the correct option the following code activates:
Sub CorrectAnswer()
Correct.Caption = (Correct.Caption) + 1
Percentage.Caption = (Percentage.Caption) + 5
MsgBox "That was the correct answer!", vbInformation + vbApplicationModal, "FOLK Quiz"
End Sub
The user presses any one of the four options. There's a trigger for each box. When the trigger is activated one of the box turns green and the rest turns red. I've done this by using Animations.
Then I want to go to the next slide after a few seconds after the animation... but how is this possible? Is there any way to add a delay in going to the next slide in VBA?
You need to add some wait time before going to next slide. It is posible by using Application.Wait
. Your code then will look like this:
Sub CorrectAnswer()
Correct.Caption = (Correct.Caption) + 1
Percentage.Caption = (Percentage.Caption) + 5
MsgBox "That was the correct answer!", vbInformation + _
vbApplicationModal, "FOLK Quiz"
lag = 3
start = Timer
While Timer < Start + lag
'Application.Wait(Now + TimeValue("0:00:03")) 'This adds 3 sec delay in ms VBA
End Sub