I tried to rotate a svg circle without using css and my code is:
<g id="center_circle" transform="translate(-58.909212,391.47247)">
<path style="opacity:1;fill:transparent;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:#295495;stroke-width:12;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:bevel;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:1500;stroke-dashoffset:1500;stroke-opacity:1" d="m 466.0714,332.36218 a 91.428581,91.428581 0 0 1 -91.16568,91.42821 91.428581,91.428581 0 0 1 -91.68997,-90.90242 91.428581,91.428581 0 0 1 90.63839,-91.95097 91.428581,91.428581 0 0 1 92.21122,90.37362" id="path5403">
<animate id="center_circle_border_anim" attributeName="stroke-dashoffset" from="1500" to="0" begin="0.5s" dur="2s" fill="freeze" repeatCount="1"></animate>
<animate id="center_circle_anim" attributeName="fill" from="transparent" to="#fff" begin="center_circle_border_anim.end" dur="0.5s" fill="freeze" repeatCount="1"></animate>
My problem is to make the circle dashoffset to start from the top and also the circle should rotate after the dashoffset gets completed.
I optimized your SVG code a little using - svg-editor Peter Collingridge
d="m466.1 332.4a91.4 91.4 0 0 1-91.2 91.4 91.4 91.4 0 0 1-91.7-90.9 91.4 91.4 0 0 1 90.6-92 91.4 91.4 0 0 1 92.2 90.4"/>
For the correct animation of the stroke-dashoffset, you must accurately calculate the length of the path.
To do this, use getTotalLength ()
function TotalLength(){
var path = document.querySelector('#check');
var len = Math.round(path.getTotalLength() );
alert("Length of the path - " + len);
Below is the code for calculating the path length
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<input type="button" value="Total path" onclick="TotalLength()"/>
<svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
width="200" height="200" viewBox="130 -550 400 400" >
<g id="center_circle" transform=" rotate(-90)" >
<path id="check" fill= "none" stroke ="#295495" stroke-width ="1"
d="m466.1 332.4a91.4 91.4 0 0 1-91.2 91.4 91.4 91.4 0 0 1-91.7-90.9 91.4 91.4 0 0 1 90.6-92 91.4 91.4 0 0 1 92.2 90.4"/>
function TotalLength(){
var path = document.querySelector('#check');
var len = Math.round(path.getTotalLength() );
alert("Length of the path - " + len);
Click the "Total path" button and get the full length of your path.
The calculated value of 574px
is added in thestroke-dashoffset
and stroke-dasharray
Animation of line drawing always starts from the starting point of the path, but it is on the positive part of the "X"
To start drawing a line from the top, you either have to change the path so that the starting point of the path is at the top, or simply turn all the way to -90 degrees
- transform=" rotate(-90)"
Below is the animation code using stroke-dashoffset
<svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="400" height="400" viewBox="130 -480 400 400" >
<g id="center_circle" transform=" rotate(-90)" >
<path style="stroke-linecap:round;stroke:#295495;stroke-width:12;stroke-dasharray:574;stroke-dashoffset:574;"
d="m466.1 332.4a91.4 91.4 0 0 1-91.2 91.4 91.4 91.4 0 0 1-91.7-90.9 91.4 91.4 0 0 1 90.6-92 91.4 91.4 0 0 1 92.2 90.4">
<animate id="center_circle_border_anim" attributeName="stroke-dashoffset" from="574" to="0" begin="0.5s" dur="3s" fill="freeze" repeatCount="1"></animate>
<animate id="center_circle_anim" attributeName="fill" from="transparent" to="#fff" begin="center_circle_border_anim.end" dur="0.5s" fill="freeze" repeatCount="1"></animate>
An example of growing and decreasing animation is dasharray
Animations go consistently one after another:
= "dash_grow.end"
- changes the transparency of the circle. begin =" dash_opacity.end "
begin =" 0.5s; dash_ungrow.end + 1s "
<svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="400" height="400" viewBox="130 -500 400 400" >
<pattern id="newpattern"
x="0" y="0" width="20" height="20"
patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse" >
<g fill="#85D2FF" fill-opacity="0.7">
<rect x="0" y="0" width="10" height="10" />
<rect x="10" y="10" width="10" height="10" />
<g id="center_circle" transform=" rotate(-90)" >
<path style="stroke-linecap:round;stroke:#295495;stroke-width:12;stroke-dasharray:574;stroke-dashoffset:574; fill: mediumseagreen; "
d="m466.1 332.4a91.4 91.4 0 0 1-91.2 91.4 91.4 91.4 0 0 1-91.7-90.9 91.4 91.4 0 0 1 90.6-92 91.4 91.4 0 0 1 92.2 90.4">
<animate id="dash_grow" attributeName="stroke-dashoffset" from="574" to="0" begin="0.5s;dash_ungrow.end+1s" dur="3s" fill="freeze" repeatCount="1"></animate>
<animate id="dash_opacity" attributeName="opacity" values="1;0.2;1" fill="freeze;" begin="dash_grow.end" dur="4.5s" repeatCount="1"></animate>
<animate id="dash_ungrow" attributeName="stroke-dashoffset" from="0" to="574" begin="dash_opacity.end" dur="3s" fill="freeze" repeatCount="1"></animate>