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mongoimport csv file that contains a column with array values

I am new to MongoDB and am trying to import a csv file containing programme data to MongoDB. One of the fields in the csv file (tags) contains a list of values as such:

enter image description here

When I import this into mongoDB, the entire field appears as a string:

"tags" : "[ethics.philosophy.plato]"

Is there any way that I can edit this field (either in the import command or manipulate the data in the database) such that the tag field is an array of values like this:

"tags" : ["ethics", "philosophy", "plato"]

I have looked online and through the mongoDB mongoimport documentation but have not found the relevant solution. Thanks in advance!


  • After CSV is imported, run this command.

    db.whatevercollection.find().snapshot().forEach(function (el) {
       el.tags = el.tags.split('.');; 

    Edit: Your CSV Contains Square Brackets.

        db.whatevercollection.find().snapshot().forEach(function (el) {
        el.tags = el.tags.split('.');  