I am trying to Create Invoice in QuickBooks desktop with lineitem site/location. Is there a way we can send location of an item with lineitems along with Invoice.
I tried some code but didn't work Web Connector report error 0x80040400: QuickBooks found an error when parsing the provided XML text stream.
I tried below all 4
<Site>location name</Site>
<FullName>location name</FullName>
<Location>location name</Location>
<FullName>location name</FullName>
but no success it gives parsing error, Please can you help?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<?qbxml version="7.0"?>
<QBXMLMsgsRq onError="continueOnError">
<InvoiceAddRq requestID="' . $requestID . '">
<ListID>' . $invoice['customer_id'] . '</ListID>
<RefNumber>' . $invoice['ref_number'] . '</RefNumber>
<Addr1>' . $invoice['bill_addr1'] . '</Addr1>
<Addr2>' . $invoice['bill_addr2'] . '</Addr2>
<Addr3>' . $invoice['bill_addr3'] . '</Addr3>
<Addr4>' . $invoice['bill_city'] . '</Addr4>
<State>' . $invoice['bill_state'] . '</State>
<PostalCode>' . $invoice['bill_postalcode'] . '</PostalCode>
<Addr1>' . $invoice['ship_addr1'] . '</Addr1>
<Addr2>' . $invoice['ship_addr2'] . '</Addr2>
<Addr3>' . $invoice['ship_addr3'] . '</Addr3>
<Addr4>' . $invoice['ship_city'] . '</Addr4>
<State>' . $invoice['ship_state'] . '</State>
<PostalCode>' . $invoice['ship_postalcode'] . '</PostalCode>
<PONumber>' . $invoice['po_number'] . '</PONumber>
<DueDate>' . $invoice['due_date'] . '</DueDate>
<ShipDate>' . $invoice['ship_date'] . '</ShipDate>
<Memo>' . $invoice['memo'] . '</Memo>
I just need to know how we can add a location/stock for an item in Invoice lineitems
Whenever you have syntax questions about QuickBooks desktop for Windows, you should refer to the QuickBooks OSR:
Choose InvoiceAdd
from the Select Message
dropdown, and you'll see documentation about all of the XML tags.
What you're looking for is this:
<ListID >IDTYPE</ListID>
<FullName >STRTYPE</FullName>
<ListID >IDTYPE</ListID>
<FullName >STRTYPE</FullName>
You should specify EITHER a ListID
or a FullName
for each of those two nodes.
Also, you should do a search on StackOverflow for this message:
If you do, you get some helpful results like the one linked below, which tell you how to troubleshoot things like that. For example: