Hello I would like to know of a quick and easy way to perform a number conversion of this binary value:
1000100000001011 to octal.
In hex I can convert fairly quickly by hand to 0xAA0B. To come up with the decimal value of this binary takes a bit more work but eventually you can arrive at 32,768 + 2,048 + 11 = 34,827.
I know the octal pattern works like 8 = 10, 9 = 11 .... 16 = 20, 17 = 21 ... 24 = 30, etc. However I am having trouble converting to octal without a large amount of effort.
Could anybody clear this up for me and perhaps provide a short-hand method that can help convert binary to octal. Programming examples are nice but I'm really looking for an explanation. Thanks
The quickest method is to break the binary number into 3-bit chunks from the right end, pad with 0's from the left as needed, then convert each chunk to an octal digit.
For example,
1000100000001011 -> 001 000 100 000 001 011 [2 0's added to the left]
-> 1 0 4 0 1 3
-> 104013