I have a service defined like this:
app.use(`/teams/:${id}/members`, teamsMembersService);
Now I would like to call this service from another service. According to the documentation I can access different services using the app object. Like so:
let result = await app.service('teams').find();
That works well. Unfortunately this does not:
let result = await app.service('teams/1/members').find();
Because the service is undefined.
How can I call this service with route parameters?
await app.service('teams/1/members').find();
will work if you are using the REST client but not otherwise. On the server you can pass id
in params
app.service(`/teams/:${id}/members`).find({ id })
For use via Socket.io (and generally a good idea) is to add the parameter to params.query
before: {
find(hook) {
if(hook.params.team_id) {
hook.params.query.team_id = hook.params.team_id;
Now you can do
app.service(`/teams/:${id}/members`).find({ query: { team_id: id } })