My MSpec test will assert that a given method was called with an argument of (at least) a given length.
This syntax is failing the assertion, despite the argument (at runtime) having a length of 534:
_foo.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Write(Arg.Text.Like(".{512,}")));
ExpectationViolationException: IFoo.Write(like ".{512,}"); Expected #1, Actual #0.
What have I done wrong with Like()'s pattern?
Perhaps it is related to the version of RhinoMocks you are using? I'm using RhinoMocks version and Like detects the length correctly.
public interface IFoo
void Write(string value);
public class Bar
private readonly IFoo _foo;
public Bar(IFoo foo)
_foo = foo;
public void Save(string value)
private Bar _bar;
private IFoo _foo;
public void BeforeEachTest()
var mocker = new RhinoAutoMocker<Bar>();
_bar = mocker.ClassUnderTest;
_foo = mocker.Get<IFoo>();
public void Given_input_length_equal_to_that_required_by_Like()
public void Given_input_longer_than_required_by_Like()
public void Given_input_shorter_than_required_by_Like()
private void CallSave(string value)
_foo.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Write(Arg.Text.Like(".{512,}")));
The tests also pass if I use .Expect() instead of .AssertWasCalled() by the way.
private void CallSave(string value)
_foo.Expect(x => x.Write(Arg.Text.Like(".{512,}")));
If these tests pass for you and you are certain about the length of the argument then verify that Write is being called by changing the test to
_foo.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Write(Arg<specify type here>.Is.Anything))
The tests also pass with RhinoMocks version