I have a problem! I am using Mvc5, and I have a property like this.
[DisplayFormat(DataFormatString = "{0:n2}", ApplyFormatInEditMode = true)]
public decimal Total { get; set; }
And razor :
@Html.EditorFor(modelItem => Model.Total, new { htmlAttributes = new { @class = "form-control input-sm" } })
There is not error at this point. But if I send like 1.300,40 I getting always 0.
But if I send like 1300,40 I getting correct value. How can I solve it? I want get correct value, if I send 1300,50 or 1.300,40
You will have to add your own ModelBinder
public class DecimalModelBinder : IModelBinder
public object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
var valueResult = bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue(bindingContext.ModelName);
var modelState = new ModelState { Value = valueResult };
decimal actualValue = 0;
actualValue = Convert.ToDecimal(valueResult.AttemptedValue,
catch (FormatException e)
bindingContext.ModelState.Add(bindingContext.ModelName, modelState);
return actualValue;
and register it in your Application_Start:
ModelBinders.Binders.Add(typeof(decimal), new DecimalModelBinder());
Reference: http://haacked.com/archive/2011/03/19/fixing-binding-to-decimals.aspx/