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ng2-translate customLoader & multiple files per language

In an Ionic2 app I'm using ng2-translate the strings in my app.

Now I need to split the translation file into several files per language, for example de.json and de_gs1ais.json. As ng2-translate is limited to one file per language I've tried to implement a custom loader:

class CustomLoader implements TranslateLoader {
  private http: Http;
  public getTranslation(lang: String): Observable<any> {
    return this.http.get("assets/i18n" + "/" + lang + ".json").map((res) => res.json());


This class implements the standard ng2-translate behaviour, while with the following class I'd expect the 2 files de.json and de_gs1ais.json to be loaded:

class CustomLoader implements TranslateLoader {
  private http: Http;
  public getTranslation(lang: String): Observable<any> {
    return this.http.get("assets/i18n" + "/" + lang + ".json").merge(
    this.http.get("assets/i18n" + "/" + lang + "_gs1ais.json")).map((res) => res.json());


The problem is that again only the first file (de.json) is loaded. Changing the order of the observables in the codes results in the other file being loaded. I thought "merge" should merge together the observables, creating one "big" observable stream with all the data.


  • What you need is a forkJoin instead of the merge.

    Merge doesn't combine data -

    forkJoin does -

    public getTranslation(lang: String): Observable<any> {
      let languageObservables = Rx.Observable.forkJoin(              
        this.http.get("assets/i18n" + "/" + lang + ".json"),
        this.http.get("assets/i18n" + "/" + lang + "_gs1ais.json")
      return => res.json())