I have grid of objects in Vpython created by this code:
iX = [(x - pointW // 2) * sclFact for x in range(pointW)]
iY = [(x - pointH // 2) * sclFact for x in range(pointH)]
iYr = iY[::-1]
xy = list(itertools.product(iX,iYr,))
ixyz = np.array(list(itertools.product(iX,iYr,[-0.0])))
for element in ixyz:
cube = box(pos = element,
size=( .1, .1, .1 ),)
ixyz list print will look like this:
[[-0.5 0. -0. ]
[-0.5 -0.5 -0. ]
[ 0. 0. -0. ]
[ 0. -0.5 -0. ]
[ 0.5 0. -0. ]
[ 0.5 -0.5 -0. ]]
I have other list that the z value changes sometime depand on certain input and its always updated, it wll look like this
[[-0.5 0. -0. ]
[-0.5 -0.5 -0. ]
[ 0. 0. -0. ]
[ 0. -0.5 -0. ]
[ 0.5 0. -2.3570226]
[ 0.5 -0.5 -0. ]]
I want to move the objects based on the new list, i tried different veriation but it did not work, it always look at the last item in the second list
while True:
.... some code here (the one getting the new list)
# then I added this:
for obj in scene.objects:
if isinstance(obj, box):
for i in xyz: # xyz is the new list
if obj.pos != i:
obj.pos = i
this variation will make all the boxes be one box and move based on the last position in the list
what I am doing wrong or is there another way to do that ? or should I change the whole process of creating the objects and move them? I am really new in VPython and python itself.
Edit I fixed both lists to be better presented like this
You are repeatedly setting the position to each element in the updated positions list:
box.pos = 1
box.pos = 2
box.pos = 3
You need to set the position one time; so compute an index:
i = 0
for obj....
if isinstance ...
obj.pos = xyz [i]
i += 1