I hope to make graph like this: image from a journal
My data is like:
(the HIV in graph is like ANY in my figures)
I tried the code below, it doesn't work.
ggplot(temp,aes(agecat,median,group=ANY,color=ANY,LABEL=round(median)))+geom_point()+facet_grid(~ANYPLAQ+agecat, scales="free", space="free")+geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=down,ymax=up),width=0.2)
I could only get figure like this: enter image description here
I hope the width between each column are different for within age group and between age groups.
Could someone give me some suggestions, thanks!!
It's hard to tell what's going on, as the variables in the data frame you gave are different from the variables used in ggplot()
call, but many faceting errors in ggplot can be resolved by calling as.factor(your_variable)
. For example facet_grid(~as.factor(ANYPLAQ) + as.factor(agecat)
hope this helps, next time be more specific.