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Setup cookie.signed in Rails 5 controller integration tests

Imagine the scenario that there is a controller integration test calls a controller method, in which cookie.signed is used for some integrity checking.


# app/controllers/foo_controller.rb

def index
  entity = FooEntity.find_by_id(params[:id])
  if entity.nil?
    raise ActionController::BadRequest, 'Could not find requested entity.'
    @is_authorized = entity.token == cookies.signed[:token]
    if @is_authorized
      # Success! The path to be tested.
      raise ActionController::BadRequest, 'Unauthorized cookie token.'

Controller Test

# app/test/controllers/foo_test.rb

require 'test_helper'

class FooControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
  test 'should be working' do
    cookies.signed[:token] = '7e5201169ef160e31058d2a1976a5552'
    get '/foobar/123'

However, I'm not sure how to get cookie.signed setup in the test. The test code above throws an exception:

NoMethodError: undefined method `signed’ for Rack::Test::CookieJar:0x007fe90965ccd8

Tried to search for a solution, but the closest I could find was this article,, but couldn't figure out how to construct ActionDispatch::Request object.


  • This seems to be a known bug in Rails 5 and above (the linked issue is about cookies.encrypted but the same applies to cookies.signed). The problem is that in controller tests, the cookie jar is a Rack::Test::CookieJar class instance which does not support signed / encrypted cookies. On the other hand, in the application itself, the cookie jar is a ActionDispatch::Cookies::CookieJar class instance which supports both these special cookie types.

    Nevertheless, to just construct a signed cookie in your controller test, you can manually create an ActionDispatch request cookie jar and use that to retrieve the signed cookie value:

    # app/test/controllers/foo_test.rb
    require 'test_helper'
    class FooControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
      test 'should be working' do
        my_cookies =
        my_cookies.signed[:token] = '7e5201169ef160e31058d2a1976a5552'
        cookies[:token] = my_cookies[:token]
        get '/foobar/123'

    The first test line creates a new ActionDispatch request with the application requests default environment settings (they define e.g. the secret used for signing cookies) and returns it's cookie jar. Then you simply set the :token signed cookie for the desired value (this cookie jar does have the signed method defined as this is the ActionDispatch::Cookies::CookieJar, not Rack::Test::CookieJar). Finally, you retrieve the signed cookie value by accessing it without the signed accessor and set the same-named test cookie using this value.

    Now, when the test reaches the controller code, the controller should see the proper value in the cookies.signed[:token] cookie.