Trying to create a function which creates a vertex involving some sin
and cos
I'm noticing a discrepancy between what OpenSCAD returns and what the Google calculator returns. Eg:
echo(sin(9)); // 0.156434
echo(cos(9)); // 0.987688
Whereas with Google:
sin(9) = 0.41211848524
cos(9) = -0.91113026188
I'm sure I'm missing something, but why is there a difference between the two results?
Google's doing it in radians - OpenSCAD is doing it in degrees
Your code returns the right answer if your input is 9 degrees, rather than radians
sin(9 degrees) = 0.15643446504
sin(9 radians) = 0.41211848524
For information, a radian is a unit for measuring angles, like the degree, but it is equal to about 57.3 degrees