My code was working fine until I implemented publish/subscribe. I followed the basic tutorial and checked the source code and I'm not doing anything different. Everything builds and runs but nothing from MongoDB gets displayed in the Blaze template.
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.publish('features', function featuresPublication() {
return Features.find({});
Meteor.publish('comments', function commentsPublication() {
return Features.find({}, {fields: {comments: 0}});
Template.body.onCreated(function bodyOnCreated() {
<h1 id="title">Feature Requests</h1>
{{#if currentUser}}
<button class="ui green button create" id="create">Add a New Feature Request</button>
{{> requestForm}}
{{#each features}}
{{> feature}}
{{> loginButtons}}
Edit #1
Before I ran meteor remove autopublish
my code looked like this and worked:
features() {
return Features.find({}, {sort: {createdAt: -1}});
comments() {
return Features.find({}, {fields: {comments: 0}});
Edit #2
Thanks to everyone who contributed an answer. I fundamentally misunderstood how publish/subscribe worked. I didn't realize I still needed to call return Features.find({})
after I subscribed. Here's my working code:
import { Features } from '../imports/api/features.js';
import '../imports/api/features.js'
Template.body.onCreated(function bodyOnCreated() {
features: function() {
return Features.find({});
Disregard the first answer. The lack of an autorun
is what first caught my attention but since you're not passing any args to subscribe
it is not needed.
My next question would be: In client/main.html
, where is the reference to features
coming from? Is there a features
helper on Template.body
? If not, you'll need to add it:
features: function() {
return Features.find({});