Just two days ago, I switched from Windows 7, and now run a Ubuntu 10.10 system, no multi-boot.
Anyway, after installing Netbeans, JDK, Tomcat and GWT4NB, I create an empty GWT project and hit "compile" to make sure everything works well...
This is what I get:
/home/loupax/NetBeansProjects/WebApplication2/nbproject/build-gwt.xml:138: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/loupax/NetBeansProjects/WebApplication2/nbproject/build-gwt.xml:166: Java returned: 1
BUILD FAILED (total time: 0 seconds)
Line 138: <antcall target="do-gwt-compile-15" />
Line 166: jvmargs="${gwt.compiler.jvmargs}">
Any ideas of what should I do? Thanks!
Today I have had the same problem. I tried to run the project on another computer, and its fail. My solution: right click on project in netbeans, select Change GWT SDK, point to gwt folder.
Good Luck!