IF i have pixel location for abject as [x, y] = find(Bw2 == 0); then how i remove it then filling with Original background
this my code
[x, y] = find(Bw2 == 0);
[row, colo, z]=size(RGB); %size of rgb image
for i=1:row
for j=1:colo
if any(i==x) %if the row of rgb image is the same of pixel location row
if any(j==y(i==x)) %if the colos of rgb image is the same of pixel loca colo
Free_image= imfill(RGB,i,j);
I'm guessing that Bw2 is a binary mask of the same size as RGB (without the 3rd dimension). I am also guessing you want to replace all pixels in RGB with a fixed background color if the corresponding pixel in Bw2 is zero.
If so, you can do this:
bg_color = [0.5 0.5 0.5]; % this is gray, but can be changed to anything
sz = size(RGB);
numPix = sz(1) * sz(2);
indx = find(Bw2 == 0);
RGB(indx) = bg_color(1);
RGB(indx + numPix) = bg_color(2);
RGB(indx + numPix*2) = bg_color(3);