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Chrome Fail Error Codes

I've been searching for a while now and I can't find the exact list of all fail to load error code/error description of google chrome.

I'm talking about this the highlighted text

enter image description here

Can someone give me a link?


  • I did some digging and I must admit, it's not easy to find a full exhaustive list of all (Chromium) networking error codes.

    The full list of all Chromium error codes can be found in the file net_error_list.h:

    It looks like Google Chrome prepends ERR_ to all the codes listed in the above list.

    However, error codes in XHR error responses are slightly different. These codes follow the format of the linux system file errno.h as defined by POSIX.1-2001, or C99:

    Finally, some common NodeJS errors have been listed at the NodeJS API Documentation:

    I'd like to end this answer with a simple comparison example. The error of an operation timeout would be named as follows by the listed 'standards':

    • TIMED_OUT internally in Chromium.
    • ERR_TIMED_OUT displayed in Google Chrome.
    • ETIMEDOUT in the XHR error object (error.code).

    Using your example:

    • CONNECTION_REFUSED -> internally in Chromium
    • ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED -> displayed in Google Chrome
    • ECONNREFUSED -> in linux (POSIX.1) or network error stacks