I've just freezed with Cx_freeze a small app which works on windows. I'm aware that I can save some date in database (I'm using sqlite3). But the app needs at some point to create a folder to save drafts written by the user, and it's not working. I don't have the right to create a folder.
The code :
if not os.path.exists('drafts'):
It worked great when I was testing it in a folder in 'Documents', but not after freezing. Actually, that's not really a surprise given where I'm trying to create the folder. So, I'd like to know where I should save the files (these are text files). I'm also getting this error, with the code
commande = sqlite3.connect ('Base_de_donnees.db')
I have no ideo of why this one is not working, but it's probably linked to the first error..
Thanks for any enlightment
The User's application specific data directory is stored in the environment variable APPDATA
. Do something like:
my_app_name = 'my_app'
my_app_data_dir = os.path.join(os.environ['APPDATA'], my_app_name)