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Suppress blog footer in Jekyll/Kramdown

I'm using Jekyll with Kramdown on Github. The title of my blog, which I put in _config.yml, appears in the header of the page but also twice in the footer. I would like to suppress the two appearances in the footer. Is there anyway to do this?


  • As said in comments, the code you need to edit is located in /_includes/footer.html.

    There you would find the title of your blog printed twice, remove one and it should work.

    include tag tag allows you to include the content from another file stored in the _includes folder"

    You can read more here:

    Not having the includes directory means you are using Jekyll themes.

    1. Look in _config.yml the line that starts with "theme: " , like for example "theme: minima" and note that name.

    2. Now you need to copy that theme includes directory into your Jekyll site directory so you can edit it. Locate that theme with: bundle show <theme name> for example:

       bundle show minima

      It will return something like: /var/lib/gems/minima

    3. Copy the _includes directory to your Jekyll dir.

       cp -r /var/lib/gems/minima/_includes .
    4. Open ./_includes/footer.html and locate the repeating title.