I have a Course entity that contains the following field
private @Load
Ref<Student> student;
The student entity then has the field
private String matric;
I want to load all the Course entities sorted using the students matric number.
I have tried using the "." operator to get the sub field like this
ofy().load().type(Course.class).filter("course", course).order("student.matric").list();
but this return no result.
Is it possible to do this? how?
I don't think that is possible with objectify. I would let Course implement Comparable:
public class Course implements Comparable<Course> {
public int compareTo(Course otherCourse) {
return this.getStudent().getMatric().compareTo(otherCourse.getStudent().getMatric());
Remove the "order" part of the Objectify load and use Collections.sort() instead:
List<Course> courses = ofy().load().type(Course.class).filter("course", course).list();