I have two tables:
Id int,
Name nvarchar(max)
Id int,
Name nvarchar(max),
ThingId int (foreign key)
I want to select all Things with a listing of SubThings and set them to a ThingViewModel.
The Thing ViewModel is simple:
public class ThingViewModel
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public List<SubThingViewModel> SubThings { get; set; }
The SubThingViewModel is:
public class SubThingViewModel
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
I already select the Thing records like this:
List<ThingViewModel> things = null;
things = _context.Things.OrderBy(b => b.Name)
.Select(b => new ThingViewModel
Id = b.Id,
Name = b.Name
How would I add the SubThings to the query and ViewModel?
You could do another projection using SubThings
navigation property:
things = _context.Things.OrderBy(b => b.Name)
.Select(b => new ThingViewModel
Id = b.Id,
Name = b.Name,
SubThings =b.SubThings.Select(st=>new SubThingViewModel{Id =st.Id,...}).ToList()