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How to perform Validation on Flask-admin fields

I want to perform some validation on Flask Admin. The Flask app is connected to a backend postgreSQL DB and is using SQLAlchemy ORM.

I want to be able to perform validation checks on two fields (lan_nics, wan_nics) in the ServerView(flask.ext.admin.contrib.sqla.modelView). Basically I want to ensure the sum of two fields are not greater than a certain number. Here is the form:


Here is the test_app code. I've tried to follow the documentation for flask-admin. I added a def and then referenced that def in the form_args for validators dictionary... but it doesn't seem to work. At the moment I'm just trying to ensure that both of the fields have a value less than 5.

from flask import Flask
from flask.ext.admin import Admin
from flask.ext.admin.contrib.sqla import ModelView
from flask.ext.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
from wtforms.validators import ValidationError
import psycopg2

# Flask and Flask-SQLAlchemy initialization here

app = Flask(__name__)
db = SQLAlchemy(app)
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'postgresql://postgres:[email protected]/testdb'
app.secret_key = 'MySecret'
conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname='testdb' user='postgres' host='' password='postgres'")

class Server(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = "server"
    id = db.Column('server_id', db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    model = db.Column('model', db.Unicode)
    lan_nics = db.Column('lan_nics', db.Integer)
    wan_nics = db.Column('wan_nics', db.Integer)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.model

class Hardware(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = "hardware"
    id = db.Column('hardware_id', db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    model = db.Column('model', db.Unicode)
    max_nics = db.Column('max_nics', db.Integer)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.model

class ServerView(ModelView):

    # Disable model creation
    can_create = True

    # Override displayed fields
    column_list = ('model', 'lan_nics', 'wan_nics')

    column_display_all_relations = True
    column_searchable_list = ('model')
    column_labels = dict(model='Model', lan_nics='LAN Nics',  wan_nics='WAN NICs')
    form_columns = [ 'model', 'lan_nics', 'wan_nics' ]

    def max_allowed(form, field):
        if > 5:
            raise ValidationError('Max number of interfaces exceeded')

    form_args = dict(

class HardwareView(ModelView):
    # Disable model creation
    can_create = True

    # Override displayed fields
    column_list = ('model', 'max_nics')

    column_display_all_relations = True
    column_searchable_list = ('model')
    column_labels = dict(model='Model', max_nics='Max Nics')
    form_columns = ['model', 'max_nics' ]

    def __str__(self):
        return self.model

admin = Admin(app, name="MyApp1")
# Add administrative views here
admin.add_view(ModelView(Server, db.session))
admin.add_view(ModelView(Hardware, db.session)), host="")


  • Instead of form_args, I did on_model_change:

    class ServerView(ModelView):
        def on_model_change(self, form, model, is_created):
            hardware = "hardware"
            query = "SELECT nics FROM hardware WHERE model = '{}'".format(hardware)
            with conn.cursor() as cur:
                max_nics = int(cur.fetchone()[0])
            if (int( + int( > max_nics):
                raise ValidationError('Max number of interfaces exceeded!')
                return model