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Sort the Inserted data on basis of Time in Ontology Model

I have an ontology Model. I am inserting integer data in one of the class instance through Sparql update. The model is storing the data randomly with out any order. Now when I want to extract this data through Sparql Query I want it in order of the time of insertion. How could i achieve this? Any idea?

P.S: My ontology Model is made in Protege software. My Query for inserting Data is below one.

PREFIX test:<> 
  ?KPI_Variables test:hasValue_ROB1 10
  ?KPI_Variables test:hasValue_ROB1 ?Newvalue 
  FILTER(?KPI_Variables= test:Actual_Production_Time)

And For Getting the data I am using the following Query:

PREFIX test:<> 
SELECT ?KPI_Variables ?Newvalue WHERE {
  ?KPI_Variables test:hasValue_ROB1 ?Newvalue 
  FILTER(?KPI_Variables = test:Actual_Production_Time)
} LIMIT 25


  • Data in RDF is simply triples. There's no notion of when a triple is added to a graph. If you want that kind of information, you'll need to make it explicit in your data model. SPARQL does include a now function that lets you get a timestamp for when a query is run. That means that you could do something like this:

    prefix  : <urn:ex:>
    insert {
      [] :hasSubject ?s ;
         :hasPredicate ?p ;
         :hasObject ?o ;
         :hasTime ?now .
    where {
        #-- Fake a couple of triples
        values (?s ?p ?o) {
            (:a :p :b)
            (:c :q :d)
        #-- Get the current time
        bind (now() as ?now)

    Now your graph contains data like:

    @prefix :      <urn:ex:> .
    [ :hasObject     :d ;
      :hasPredicate  :q ;
      :hasSubject    :c ;
      :hasTime       "2017-04-28T13:32:11.482+00:00"^^<>
    ] .
    [ :hasObject     :b ;
      :hasPredicate  :p ;
      :hasSubject    :a ;
      :hasTime       "2017-04-28T13:32:11.482+00:00"^^<>
    ] .

    Which you can query like:

    prefix  : <urn:ex:>
    select ?s ?p ?o ?time {
      [] :hasSubject ?s ;
         :hasPredicate ?p ;
         :hasObject ?o ;
         :hasTime ?time
    order by ?time

    Once you've inserted some things at different times, you'd have different time values, so sorting would be meaningful. I'd suggest that you don't just reify the triples like I did (and if you are going to go with a straightfoward reification, you should probably use the standard vocabulary for it), but rather have some meaningful structure that actually has timestamps as part of it.