I'm currently working on building a function that returns a row of Pascal's triangle. My function passes in a list that contains a row in Pascal's triangle and returns the next row depending on which row was passed in. ex. pass in '(1 2 1) and it should return '(1 3 3 1). However I cannot seem to get the beginning 1 in the list.
(define build-next
[(null? thisRow) '(1)]
[(null? (cdr thisRow)) (cons 1 (cdr thisRow))]
[else (cons (+ (car thisRow) (car (cdr thisRow))) (build-next(cdr thisRow)))])))
(build-next '(1 2 1))
Running this code will give me the output
'(3 3 1)
without the leading 1
Your functions works if the input row has a zero as first element.
Renaming your original function to build-next-helper
and introducing
a new build-next
that simply calls your existing function after prefixing a zero works fine:
(define build-next-helper
(lambda (thisRow)
[(null? thisRow) '(1)]
[(null? (cdr thisRow)) (cons 1 (cdr thisRow))]
[else (cons (+ (car thisRow) (car (cdr thisRow)))
(build-next-helper (cdr thisRow)))])))
(define (build-next thisRow)
(build-next-helper (cons 0 thisRow)))
(build-next '(1 2 1))