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md5sum output only hash in file

hi I want to create a bash file on linux, which checks the md5 hash of a file against a backup md5 hash, so i know if the original file has been tampered with. The script should output the md5 hash of two files and than compare the two created hash files:

md5sum file1 > file1.md5 | cut -c -32
if [ file1.md5 =! backup.md5 ] then;
   #send email

but it does not work, there is still the filename in the file.md5, has someone an idea on how to only get the has to the file.md5?


  • There are several issues with your script.

    First you apply cut -c -32 after you have redirected the md5sum output to file1.md5 already, which is why it does nothing.

    You should restructure it like that, instead:

    md5sum file1 | cut -c -32 > file1.md5

    Next, you can not really compare files with =! directly, you have to read and compare their content instead, like this:

    [ "$(cat file1.backup.md5)" != "$(cat file1.real.md5)" ]

    Also note that md5sum does already have a "check mode", so you can simply do this:

    #Save MD5 sum of your file to backup.md5, in md5sum native format
    md5sum file1 > backup.md5
    #Later on ...
    if ! md5sum -c backup.md5; then