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Execute DELETE only when the SELECT returns

I have a routine where I update the local database with other database data.

I only execute a DELETE and then an INSERT INTO tblX (SELECT * FROM tblY (tblY is a linked table)), as below.

The problem is that, in some cases the SELECT takes a long time after the DELETE and I´d like to diminish the possibility of the user to make a request to this table while it´s processing.

I´d like to know if there is some mechanism to execute the DELETE only after the return of the SELECT.

conn = new OleDbConnection(Conexao.getConexaoPainelGerencialLocal());


OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(" DELETE * FROM tblClienteContato; ", conn);


cmd = new OleDbCommand(" INSERT INTO tblClienteContato " +
                       " SELECT * FROM tblClienteContatoVinculada;", conn);



  • As Greg commented, I created temporary tables to receive data from the external database and then I tranfer the data to the definitive tables, so that the probability of the users being impacted is very low.