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Python - How can I convert a special character to the unicode representation?

In a dictionary, I have the following value with equals signal:


To be explicit, I need to replace the = for the unicode representation '\u003d' (basically the reverse process of [json.loads()][1]). How can I set the unicode value to a variable without store the value with two scapes (\\u003d)?.

I've tryed of different ways, including the enconde/decode, repr(), unichr(61), etc, and even searching a lot, cound't find anything that does this, all the ways give me the following final result (or the original result):


Since now, thanks for your attention.


When I debug the code, it gives me the value of the variable with 2 escapes. The program will get this value and use it to do the following actions, including the extra escape. I'm using this code to construct a json by the json.dumps() and the result returned is a unicode with 2 escapes.

Follow a print of the final result after the JSON construction. I need to find a way to store the value in the var with just one escape.

enter image description here

I don't know if make difference, but I'm doing this to a custom BURP Plugin, manipulating some selected requests.

Here is an image of my POC, getting the value of the var.

enter image description here


  • The extra backslash is not actually added, The Python interpreter uses the repr() to indicate that it's a backslash not something like \t or \n when the string containing \ gets printed: I hope this helps:

    >>> t['appVersion'] = t["appVersion"].replace('=', '\u003d')
    >>> t['appVersion']
    >>> print(t['appVersion'])
    >>> t['appVersion'] == 'o0u5jeWA6TwlJacNFnjiTA\u003d\u003d'