In a dictionary, I have the following value with equals signal:
To be explicit, I need to replace the =
for the unicode representation '\u003d'
(basically the reverse process of [json.loads()][1]
). How can I set the unicode value to a variable without store the value with two scapes (\\u003d
I've tryed of different ways, including the enconde/decode, repr(), unichr(61), etc, and even searching a lot, cound't find anything that does this, all the ways give me the following final result (or the original result):
Since now, thanks for your attention.
When I debug the code, it gives me the value of the variable with 2 escapes. The program will get this value and use it to do the following actions, including the extra escape. I'm using this code to construct a json by the json.dumps()
and the result returned is a unicode with 2 escapes.
Follow a print of the final result after the JSON construction. I need to find a way to store the value in the var with just one escape.
I don't know if make difference, but I'm doing this to a custom BURP Plugin, manipulating some selected requests.
Here is an image of my POC, getting the value of the var.
The extra backslash is not actually added, The Python interpreter uses the repr() to indicate that it's a backslash not something like \t or \n when the string containing \ gets printed: I hope this helps:
>>> t['appVersion'] = t["appVersion"].replace('=', '\u003d')
>>> t['appVersion']
>>> print(t['appVersion'])
>>> t['appVersion'] == 'o0u5jeWA6TwlJacNFnjiTA\u003d\u003d'