Mayavi crashes on my MacOS 10.12. Is there any suggestion?
I installed mayavi and vtk with
$ brew install vtk
$ pip install --user mayavi
and when I run mayavi2 or import mayavi.lab in python2.7, it crashes
$ mayavi2
[1] 93511 illegal hardware instruction mayavi2
$ python2 -c "import mayavi.mlab"
[1] 93920 illegal hardware instruction python2 -c "import mayavi.mlab"
I find the problem may be in traitsui.api
imported in mayavi.preferences.preference_manager
$ python2 -c "import traitsui.api"
[1] 2421 illegal hardware instruction python2 -c "import traitsui.api"
Going deeper, I find it's about "traits.api.Color"... used in traitsui.editors.code_editor
$ python -c "from traits.api.Color; print 'hi'; Color( 0xECE9D8 )"
[1] 6414 illegal hardware instruction python2 -c "from traits.api import Color; print 'hi'; Color(0xECE9D8)"
Thank to the suggestion from @PierredeBuyl.
I tried to reinstall pyqt and it works now!
The steps are:
$ brew install pyqt
Error: pyqt-4.11.3 already installed
To install this version, first `brew unlink pyqt`
$ brew unlink pyqt
Unlinking /usr/local/Cellar/pyqt/4.11.3... 78 symlinks removed
$ brew install pyqt
$ mayavi2 # now it works