I'm trying to setup gulp for a modular application. In my public folder, I have modules each with their own src/sass
and dist/css
folders. I want to transform and transfer the sass files from src/sass
to their respective dist/css
folder. There could also be more folders under src/sass
like src/sass/admin
and src/sass/user
with .scss in them. These folder structure should also be replicated in the dist/css
like so: dist/css/admin
and dist/css/user
. These additional folders depends on the modules.
The problem is that the Modules could be removed and added so I don't want reference the module name directly in the gulp.dest
path. I need it to be dynamic depending on the gulp.src
Let's say I have a folder structure as shown below.
|-- Modules
|-- Module1
| |-- dist
| | |-- css
| | | |-- style.css
| |-- src
| |-- sass
| |-- style.scss
|-- Module2
| |-- dist
| | |-- css
| | |-- admin
| | | |-- style.css
| | |-- user
| | |-- style.css
| |-- src
| |-- sass
| |-- admin
| | |-- style.scss
| |-- user
| |-- style.scss
|-- Module3
|-- dist
| |-- css
| |-- style.css
|-- src
|-- sass
|-- style.scss
Here are the gulp tasks I've tried.
gulp.task('sass-modules', function () {
gulp.src('public/Modules/**/src/sass/**/style.scss', {base: "./"})
.pipe(gulp.dest(function(file) {
return path.join(path.dirname(file.path), '???/dist/css');
gulp.task('sass-modules', function () {
gulp.src('public/Modules/**/src/sass/**/style.scss', {base: "./"})
.pipe(rename(function (path) {
path.dirname += "???/dist/css";
I'm not sure what to write instead of the "???". I've tried multiple variant like '../../../dist/css'
and it all seems to try and transfer my css files to something like public/Modules/Module1/dist/css/Module1/src/sass
or dist/public/...
Nothing has worked so far.
I've checked through StackOverflow before posting this and I couldn't find exactly what I need.
Thanks for the help!
I fixed it! I would still like to know if this is considered a good solution?
.pipe(rename(function (path) {
path.dirname = path.dirname.replace('src', 'dist').replace('sass', 'css');