I want to use Php queues and i have insatalled the Php-DS extension. I used PECL as shown here. When i load my project i get the following error:
Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php/20151012/ds.so' - /usr/lib/php/20151012/ds.so: undefined symbol: php_json_serializable_ce
What have i done wrong? Am using PHP 7 and Zorin OS.
The MongoDB extension had a problem just like this. You have to make sure that the json extension is pulled in before it, and then it would be OK.
If you are adding this extension in via a directory with named/numbered .ini files, make sure that the json-referring file is listed first alphanumerically so it would be found and included first. If there are just a list of extensions in the main php.ini file, again, make sure the json.so
is listed ahead of ds.so