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CSS Animation, ellipses starting from the end and repeating

I have a very simple animation setup, to show a loading three dots. I got a bunch of them from around and picked the simplest looking one. The problem I have with it, is that it starts from 0 like it's told to. I need it to start from the end.


.loading {
  font-size: 30px;

.loading:after {
  overflow: hidden;
  display: inline-block;
  vertical-align: bottom;   
  /* animation: ellipsis-dot steps(40, start) 9000ms infinite; */
  animation: ellipsis-dot 1s infinite;
  animation-fill-mode: fowards;
  content: "\2026"; /* ascii code for the ellipsis character */
  width: 0em;

@keyframes ellipsis {
  to {    width: 1.25em;  }

Here's a fiddle.

I have these showing in a table with 100s of them showing together. Which all start from completely empty. I need them to start from 3 dots. Then go to 0 then do what it's doing right now.

Note: the duration 9000 is actually 900. It's slowed down to emphasize the start of the animation after I run the fiddle.


  • .loading {
      font-size: 30px;
    .loading:after {
      content: "...";
      overflow: hidden;
      display: inline-block;
      vertical-align: bottom;
      animation: ellipsis-dot 1s infinite .3s;
      animation-fill-mode: forwards;
      width: 1.25em;
    @keyframes ellipsis-dot {
      25% {
        content: "";
      50% {
        content: ".";
      75% {
        content: "..";
      100% {
        content: "...";
    <div class="loading">Loading</div>