I'm trying to find how to get a specified with range feed of cells (or records) from a worksheet entry.
I found that, there is a solution for that in "Google Data APIs .NET client library"
and in "Google Data API Python client library"
But can't find how to do it with objective-c. Is it possible? If yes, then how? If not, then how to implement this opportunity & how hard is it to do? The reason i'm intrested is desire to reduce traffic among iPhone app & Google.
Thanks in advance.
I've found the answer myself while investigated Gdata-objectivec-client headers.
So the solution is to make a GDataQuerySpreadsheet
to worksheet with entry with pre-set number of properties: minimumRow, maximumRow, minimumColumn, maximumColumn
It is also possible to use simply - (void)setRange:(NSString *)str;
Here's a code example:
- (void) fetchWorksheet: (GDataEntryWorksheet*) worksheet {
NSURL *cellsFeedURL = [[worksheet cellsLink] URL];
if (cellsFeedURL) {
GDataServiceTicket *ticket;
GDataQuerySpreadsheet *query = [GDataQuerySpreadsheet spreadsheetQueryWithFeedURL: cellsFeedURL];
[query setMinimumRow: 0];
[query setMaximumRow: 2];
[query setMinimumColumn: 0];
[query setMaximumColumn: 2];
[query setTitleQuery: @"myQuery"];
ticket = [mService fetchFeedWithQuery:query
The only disadvantage of this is that resulting feed contains cells, but not records. And cells are considered deprecated (i've heard it). It would be better to fetch a table with records, and not worksheet with cells. But GData-objectivec-client doesn't support it, unfortunately.
But it works. I've checked.