Search code examples

Python Find indices of data in array/list, but with constraints

I have three arrays (or lists, or whatever):

x - The abscissa. A set of data which is not evenly spaced.

y - The ordinate. A set of data representing y=f(x).

peaks - A set of data whose elements contain and ordered pair (x,y), which represent the peak values found in y.

Here is a portion of the x and y data:

2.00   1.5060000000e-07
5.60   3.4100000000e-08
5.80   1.7450000000e-07
6.00   7.1700000000e-08
6.20   5.2900000000e-08
6.40   2.5570000000e-07
6.50   4.8420000000e-07
6.60   6.1900000000e-08
6.80   2.2700000000e-07
7.00   2.3500000000e-08
7.20   3.6500000000e-08
7.40   1.0158000000e-06
7.50   3.5100000000e-08
7.60   2.0080000000e-07
7.80   1.6585000000e-06 
8.00   2.1190000000e-07
8.20   5.3370000000e-07
8.40   5.7840000000e-07
8.50   4.5230000000e-07
50.00   1.8200000000e-07

Here is print(peaks):

[(3.7999999999999998, 4.0728000000000002e-06), (5.4000000000000004, 5.4893000000000001e-06), (10.800000000000001, 1.2068e-05), (12.699999999999999, 4.1904799999999999e-05), (14.300000000000001, 8.3118000000000006e-06), (27.699999999999999, 6.5239000000000003e-06)]

I use the data to make a plot, similar to this:

enter image description here

The blue dots in the plot are the peaks. And the red dots are the valleys. But the red dots are not necessarily accurate. You can see there is a red dot to the right of the last peak. That was not intended.

Using the data above, I am attempting to find the valleys as follows:

Go through the peaks array (or list, or whatever it is) and for each adjacent pair of peaks, find their indices in the x and y arrays (or lists, or whatever they are), then search the y array bound by those indices for the minimum value. Also find the corresponding x value at that index. Then append the (x,y) pair to an array v1 (or list, or whatever), which will be like peaks. Then plot v1 as red dots.

Here is the code:

for i in xrange(1,len(peaks)):
# Find the indices of the two peaks in the actual arrays
# (e.g. x[j1] and y[j1]) where the peaks occur
# In the array y[j1:j2], find the index of the minimum value
# What if there are more than one minumum?
# Use the first one.
# I incorrectly assumed this would be > j1,
# but it could be anywhere in y
# And the last one.
# I incorrectly assumed this would be < j2,
# but it could be anywhere in y. But we do know at least one of the
# indices found will be between j1 and j2.
# When only 1 index is found, no problem: it has to be j1 < j < j2

Here is the problem:

When I search for the minimum value(s) of y in a certain range like this:


It returns the indices of those minimum throughout the entire data set of y. But I want j to contain only the indices of the minimum between j1 and j2, where I searched.

How can I constrain the search?

I could check to see if j1 < j < j2, but I would prefer to constrain the search to return only values of j in that range, if possible.

Once I figure that out, then I will add logic to limit the indices if the peaks are more than a width w apart.

So if the peaks are more than w apart, then j1 will be no less than j2-w/2, where j2 is the index of the peak.


  • You could slice the array before and do the == comparison with the slice:

    sliced_y = y[j1:j2]
    j = np.where(sliced_y == min(sliced_y))[0] + j1

    You need to + the lower bound, otherwise you only have the "index" with respect to the sliced part.