Just as controllers
are module "level" independent and can be used anywhere in the entire application stack I am wondering if there is a way for child module to use the parent modules directives without having to assign them as dependency for each child module.
Example of how I was hoping to have directives work (in the view of a controller
angular.module('app.child').config(function($stateProvider) {
$stateProvider.state('child', {
url: '/child',
views: {
'header': {
controller: 'parentController',
templateUrl: 'child.html'
angular.module('app').controller('parentController', function () {
So what I am wondering is if
angular.module('app', ['app.child']);
angular.module('app.child', ['ui.router']);
can also be written as
angular.module('app', ['app.child', 'ui.router']);
angular.module('app.child', []);
in some way where ui.router
is still available for the child module.
If I do this in my existing project I get $injector
Just as controllers are module "level" independent and can be used anywhere
This is true and that is something you should never do. Module should be self-consistent and independent from parent modules - it should declare all required dependencies.
I.e. if you have 2 modules: app and app.child, and in some place in app.child you have: <div ui-sref=...
than your app.child must depend on ui-router.
(This will still work if it doesnt, but parent does - but this does not mean that this is correct way)
N.B. A lot of apps can leave within single module. Are you sure you need more than one?