Linq and Query's syntax is one of my weakest skills. I'm having issues with getting the desired result.
I have two tables/ collections. One is filled with DocumentTypes, the other with Notifications. These are the fields they hold that matter, I omitted the ones that don't.
I have three parameters; userID, supplierID and productID.
I need the supplierID to get a list of all the DocumentTypes tied to that supplier. Then I need the userID and ProductID to get a list of notifications tied to those.
Then I need to join those two lists, every notification will have a documentTypeID to which it is linked. When there is a notification for a certain document type, it needs to include the fields Last_Sequence and make a new bool field that is set to true.
When there is no notification, the Last_sequence can be left empty and the bool is created and set to false.
So the result would be a list with objects that have these types.
What I have so far.
The previous version only needed the bool field added, along with the documentType information. For that I had this statement, but I can't seem to add to that what I need:
List<DocumentTypeNotification> docTypes = repository.Get<Domain.DocumentType>().Where(d => d.SuppID == SuppId).Select(d => new DocumentTypeNotification
DocTypeID = d.Id,
DocTypeName = d.Name,
Subscribed = notifications.Any(n => n == d.Id)
What I have tried for the new one is this, but it only gives data back, when there is a notification tied. When there isn't one, it doesn't give back that documentType data.
var temptest = from notif in repository.Get<Domain.Notification>()
join doctype in repository.Get<Domain.DocumentType>() on notif.DocTypeId equals doctype.Id
select new DocumentTypeNotification { DocTypeID = doctype.Id, DocTypeName = doctype.Name, Subscribed = true, NotifID = notif.Id, last_sequence = notif.Last_Sequence};
EDIT: here is an example of something I tried, but does not work. The issue here is that n does not exist when I try to do n.last_sequence.
List<DocumentTypeNotification> docTypes = repository.Get<Domain.DocumentType>().Where(d => d.SuppID == SuppId).Select(d => new DocumentTypeNotification
DocTypeID = d.Id,
DocTypeName = d.Name,
Subscribed = notifications.Any(n => n == d.Id),
last_sequence = test.Where(n => n.DocTypeId == d.Id).Select(n.Last_Sequence).FirstOrDefault()
//from n in test
//where n.DocTypeId == d.Id
//select n.Last_Sequence
I was wondering how I should solve this. Do I need to make a collection of all the right DocumentTypes first, and then join that with the new collection that I made, or is there a better way to solve this?
What about left join
from d in repository.Get<Domain.DocumentType>()
join n in repository.Get<Domain.Notification>()
on d.Id equals n.DocTypeId
into temp
from notific in temp.DefaultIfEmpty()
where d.SuppID == SuppId
select new
last_sequence = notific != null ? notific.Last_Sequence : null,
Subscribed = notific != null