How to static_assert 3 items to be same at compile time like this.
std::uint32_t multibyte;
std::uint8_t bytes[4];
} test;
static_assert(sizeof(test) == sizeof(test.multibyte) == sizeof(test.bytes), "Union size mismatch.");
So of course the static_assert here fails because the last check will be 1 == 4. Is there more clean way besides
static_assert(sizeof(test.bytes) == sizeof(test.multibyte) && sizeof(test) == sizeof(test.bytes), "Union size mismatch.");
You could write a struct for that:
template<typename...> struct AllSame;
template<typename Arg1, typename Arg2, typename... Args>
struct AllSame<Arg1, Arg2, Args...>
static constexpr bool value = sizeof(Arg1) == sizeof(Arg2) && AllSame<Arg1, Args...>::value;
template<typename Arg>
struct AllSame<Arg>
static constexpr bool value = true;
Not tested, might contain errors.