In a WinApp I am simply trying to get the absolute path from a Uri object:
Uri myUri = new Uri(myPath); //myPath is a string
//somewhere else in the code
string path = myUri.AbsolutePath;
This works fine if no spaces in my original path. If spaces are in there the string gets mangled; for example 'Documents and settings' becomes 'Documents%20and%20Setting' etc.
Any help would be appreciated!
EDIT: LocalPath instead of AbsolutePath did the trick!
It's encoding it as it should, you could probably UrlDecode it to get it back with spaces, but it's not "mangled" it's just correctly encoded.
I'm not sure what you're writing, but to convert it back in it's Server.UrlDecode(path). You also might be able to use LocalPath, rather than AbsolutePath, if it's a Windows app.