I am trying to improve the performance of my code and can't figure out how to implement multiprocessing module in it.
I am using linux (CentOS 7.2) and python 2.7
The code that I need to run in a parallel environment:
def start_fetching(directory):
with open("test.txt", "a") as myfile:
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directory):
for current_file in filenames:
current_file = dirpath + "/" + current_file
return 0
return sys.exc_info()[0]
if __name__ == "__main__":
cwd = "/home/"
final_status = start_fetching(cwd)
I need to save the meta-data of all the files (here, only filename is shown) in a database. Here I am only storing the file name in a text file.
Thank you all for helping me reduce this script's processing time to almost half. (I am adding this as an answer as I can't add this much content in a comment)
I found two ways to achieve what I wished for:
Using this link mentioned by @KeerthanaPrabhakaran, Which is concerned with the multi-threading.
def worker(filename):
subprocess_out = subprocess.Popen(["stat", "-c",
"INSERT INTO file VALUES (NULL, \"%n\", '%F', %s, %u, %g, datetime(%X, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'), datetime(%Y, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'), datetime(%Z, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'));", filename], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
return subprocess_out.communicate()[0]
def start_fetching(directory, threads):
filename = fetch_filename() + ".txt"
with contextlib.closing(multiprocessing.Pool(threads)) as pool: # pool of threads processes
with open(filename, "a") as myfile:
walk = os.walk(directory)
fn_gen = itertools.chain.from_iterable((os.path.join(root, file) for file in files) for root, dirs, files in walk)
results_of_work = pool.map(worker, fn_gen) # this does the parallel processing
print "Concatenating the result into the text file"
for result in results_of_work:
return filename
This is traversing 15203 files in 0m15.154s.
The Second one, That @ArunKumar mentioned, was related to multiprocessing:
def task(filename, process_no, return_dict):
subprocess_out = subprocess.Popen(["stat", "-c",
"INSERT INTO file VALUES (NULL, \"%n\", '%F', %s, %u, %g, datetime(%X, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'), datetime(%Y, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'), datetime(%Z, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'));",
filename], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
return_dict[process_no] = subprocess_out.communicate()[0]
def start_fetching_1(directory):
processes = []
i = 0
manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
return_dict = manager.dict()
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directory):
for current_file in filenames:
current_file = dirpath + "/" + current_file
# Create Seperate process and do what you want, becausee Multi-threading wont help in parallezing
p = multiprocessing.Process(target=task, args=(current_file, i, return_dict))
i += 1
# Let all the child processes finish and do some post processing if needed.
for process in processes:
with open("test.txt", "a") as myfile:
return 0
return sys.exc_info()[0]
This is traversing 15203 files in 1m12.197s
I don't understand why multiprocessing is taking that much time (my initial code was taking 0m27.884s only), but utilizing almost 100% CPU.
The above Codes are exact codes that I am running, (I am storing these info in a file and than use these test.txt file to create database entries)
I am trying to optimize the above code further, but can't think of a better way, as @CongMa mentioned, it might have finally come to the I/O bottleneck.