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How to login into DC-OS slave through Master

I created DC-OS cluster on azure, after creating with ssh public key I can access to master with the following commands, sudo ssh -v -A -p 2200 user@master-ip -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa

After getting into Master I want to access agents so I copied id_rsa and key from host to master node. and run the following command.

ssh -p 22 debug1: No more authentication methods to try. Permission denied (public key)

but unfortunately it will give following error, I have tried so many ways but didn't ssh into the salve.


  • We can follow those steps to SSH agent:
    1.Upload private key to master, I upload private key(222222) to this directory:

    root@dcos-master-B9E522B-0:/home/jason/.ssh# pwd
    root@dcos-master-B9E522B-0:/home/jason/.ssh# ls
    222222  authorized_keys  known_hosts

    2.change permission for this private key, change to 600:

    jason@dcos-master-B9E522B-0:~/.ssh$ ll -a
    total 20
    drwx------ 2 jason jason 4096 Apr 27 02:39 ./
    drwxr-xr-x 4 jason jason 4096 Apr 27 02:39 ../
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 jason jason 1675 Apr 27 02:38 222222
    -rw------- 1 jason jason  381 Apr 27 02:17 authorized_keys
    -rw-r--r-- 1 jason jason  222 Apr 27 02:35 known_hosts
    jason@dcos-master-B9E522B-0:~/.ssh$ chmod 600 222222 

    3.Use this key to SSH agent:

    jason@dcos-master-B9E522B-0:~/.ssh$ ssh jason@ -i /home/jason/.ssh/222222 
    ssh: /opt/mesosphere/lib/ no version information available (required by ssh)
    ssh: /opt/mesosphere/lib/ no version information available (required by ssh)
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    1.We can use CLI 2.0 to find the VMSS' instance admin user name, the name same as your master admin user:

    C:\Users>az vmss list-instances -n "dcos-agent-private-B9E522B-vmss0" -g dcos
    "osProfile": {
          "adminPassword": null,
          "adminUsername": "jason",
          "computerName": "dcos-agent-private-B9E522B000000",

    2.Also we should check the private key permission, we should set it to 600.
    3.Make sure .ssh directory permission is 700 or 755.

    drwx------ 2 jason jason 4096 Apr 27 02:39 .ssh/