I'm running Neo4j (v 3.1.3) within a Docker (v17.05.0-ce-rc1) container on OSX (v10.11.6) and I've "installed" the APOC jar file, see:
$ docker exec -it sandbox-db ls /plugins
I also see the container is properly configured to pick up plugins from that location:
$ docker exec -it sandbox-db grep plugins conf/neo4j.conf
and I can see a reference in the logs to it:
$ docker exec -it sandbox-db grep apoc logs/debug.log
2017-04-26 17:26:13.744+0000 INFO [o.n.k.i.DiagnosticsManager] [classpath + loader.0] file:/plugins/apoc-
the complete logs: http://termbin.com/5i4q
yet, when I issue a call to an apoc procedure I get the following:
There is no procedure with the name
registered for this database instance. Please ensure you've spelled the procedure name correctly and that the procedure is properly deployed
what does "properly deployed" mean? and what could be wrong?
ok. I figured it out. there was a apoc-
file in the plugins/ directory but it did not contain a jar file! I must have downloaded it with curl
and it failed but instead of letting me know, it wrote an HTML file with the error. grr...
did the download correctly and now everything works