I'm creating a nuget package out of a class library. I have explicit includes for files which works fine, but my dll is not being included in the package. It was my impression that a nuget package by default would include itself as a dll in the package I could be mistaken. My nuspec file looks like so:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package >
<title>DTO Code Generator</title>
<authors>Short Circuit</authors>
<description>DTO Code Generator Includes the needed include tt files to generate interface backed DTO's with adapter generation</description>
<copyright>Copyright 2017</copyright>
<tags>DTOGenerator T4</tags>
<dependency id="EntireOne.Shared.T4" version="" />
<file src="T4Generators\AutoMapperExtensions.ttinclude" target="content\T4Generators\AutoMapperExtensions.ttinclude"/>
<file src="T4Generators\ConstGenerator.ttinclude" target="content\T4Generators\ConstGenerator.ttinclude"/>
<file src="T4Generators\DTOGenerator.ttinclude" target="content\T4Generators\DTOGenerator.ttinclude"/>
<file src="T4Generators\EnumGenerator.ttinclude" target="content\T4Generators\EnumGenerator.ttinclude"/>
how can I add my current dll into the nuget package
Incase anyone else is wondering all you have to do is add another line to the files and reference your dll like so:
<file src="bin\Debug\DTOCodeGenerator.dll" target="lib"/>