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Nuget Package is not including self as a dependency

I'm creating a nuget package out of a class library. I have explicit includes for files which works fine, but my dll is not being included in the package. It was my impression that a nuget package by default would include itself as a dll in the package I could be mistaken. My nuspec file looks like so:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <package >
      <title>DTO Code Generator</title>
      <authors>Short Circuit</authors>
      <description>DTO Code Generator Includes the needed include tt files to generate interface backed DTO's with adapter generation</description>
      <copyright>Copyright 2017</copyright>
      <tags>DTOGenerator T4</tags>
        <dependency id="EntireOne.Shared.T4" version="" />
      <file src="T4Generators\AutoMapperExtensions.ttinclude" target="content\T4Generators\AutoMapperExtensions.ttinclude"/>
      <file src="T4Generators\ConstGenerator.ttinclude" target="content\T4Generators\ConstGenerator.ttinclude"/>
      <file src="T4Generators\DTOGenerator.ttinclude" target="content\T4Generators\DTOGenerator.ttinclude"/>
      <file src="T4Generators\EnumGenerator.ttinclude" target="content\T4Generators\EnumGenerator.ttinclude"/>

how can I add my current dll into the nuget package


  • Incase anyone else is wondering all you have to do is add another line to the files and reference your dll like so:

    <file src="bin\Debug\DTOCodeGenerator.dll" target="lib"/>