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Capture a DVB-T Stream to a movie-file

I have a form with a liveview of the tv-signal (from dvb-t stick). I've the sampleproject "DTViewer" from Now I try to capture the stream to a movie-file by clicking a button, but how? I use C# and DirectShow.NET.

I tried to search in many sampleprojcets but these are made for videoinputs not a dvb-t stick with a BDA (Broadcast Driver Architecture) interface.



  • Don’t really know what exactly do you mean by a “movie-file”, but I can tell you how to capture the entire MUX (transport stream).

    Create a graph with a Microsoft DVBT Network Provider, You_Name_It BDA DVBT Tuner, You_Name_It BDA Digital Capture and MPEG-2 Demultiplexer filters.
    Once you connect them, enumerate all output pins on the MPEG-2 Demultiplexer and render them. Tune the frequency of your choice (put_TuneRequest).

    At this point everything is ready to run the graph, but don’t run it!
    Enumerate all filters in the graph. Disconnect all filters except Microsoft DVBT Network Provider, You_Name_It BDA DVBT Tuner and You_Name_It BDA Digital Capture.

    Remove all these disconnected filters from the graph except the MPEG-2 Demultiplexer (it has to be in the graph although it is not connected). Add Sample Grabber filter and NULL Renderer filter. Connect Digital Capture filter to Sample Grabber and Sample Grabber to NULL Renderer. You can run the graph now. Through the callback in Sample Grabber filter you will receive the entire MUX. Of course, there is still some work to demux the data, but once you do that, you can capture all TV programs in one MUX at once. The easiest way is to capture it in a TS format because the TS is being broadcasted (188 bytes long packets).