I am using Portable Python to to some PyGame development because it has PyGame and PyScripter built in so there was minimal setup. I write the code, then press run and my game launches. When I close the game (by the Windows "X", not some in-game close button), PyScripter closes too.
Are they both part of the same process because they're portable?
Is there a way I can write games to not close pyscripter too?
Or should I set up regular pyscripter and add pygame to it manually?
You are running your game with PyScripter "Internal" engine. Thats why it closes PyScripter when you close your app. This is normal behavior of PyScripter but there is much more "run modes" you can use.
You can switch to use one of the Remote engines and then your app will run in "external" process. More info: