Ì am trying to connect with beacons in my android app. But I can't seem to find my beacons. I am using Ibeacons. I am using the AltBeacon Library. The onBeaconServiceConnect starts and the didDetermineStateForRegion follows. But didEnterReion never gets called. This is my code:
public class ListScenarios extends AppCompatActivity implements BeaconConsumer, MonitorNotifier {
private static final String TAG = "ListScenarios";
private ListView listView;
public String persoonID;
public String adresID;
public Array beaconArray;
//private ArrayList<IBeacon> arrBeacons = new ArrayList<>();
private BeaconManager mBeaconManager;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Setup beaconmanager
mBeaconManager = BeaconManager.getInstanceForApplication(this.getApplicationContext());
// Detect iBeacon
mBeaconManager.getBeaconParsers().add(new BeaconParser()
listView = (ListView) findViewById(R.id.list_scenario);
//send request to load list
// MARK: - Bluetooth
public void onBeaconServiceConnect() {
System.out.println("We are in onBeaconServiceConnect");
// Set the two identifiers below to null to detect any beacon regardless of identifiers
Identifier myBeaconNamespaceId = null;
Identifier myBeaconInstanceId = null;
Region region = new Region("my-beacon-region", myBeaconNamespaceId, myBeaconInstanceId, null);
try {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
public void didEnterRegion(Region region) {
System.out.println("We are in didEnterRegion");
Log.d(TAG, "I detected a beacon in the region with namespace id " + region.getId1() +
" and instance id: " + region.getId2());
public void didExitRegion(Region region) {
System.out.println("We are in didExitRegion");
public void didDetermineStateForRegion(int state, Region region) {
System.out.println("We are in didDetermineStateForRegion");
public void onPause() {
Two things to check:
Make sure you are using the correct BeaconParser
expression. The expression shown in the question is for AltBeacon: "m:2-3=beac,i:4-19,i:20-21,i:22-23,p:24-24,d:25-25
. If you are trying to detect iBeacon, you'll need to use a different expression. This site has a handy reference: https://beaconlayout.wordpress.com/
If you are running your app on Android 6+ and are targeting SDK 23 or higher, you need to dynamically request location permission for your app. If you don't do this, you will get no detections, and you will see this in the logs: 04-22 22:35:20.152 5158 5254 E BluetoothUtils: Permission denial: Need ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION or ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission to get scan results
You can read how to do this here: http://altbeacon.github.io/android-beacon-library/requesting_permission.html