I'm interested in making use of a special call within call
as in the code:
eval(call("mean", c(2,3)))
which will correctly produce result 2.5. Now, I would like to use the same syntax with a special call.
eval(call("`+`", c(2,3)))
produces error:
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : could not find function "
Similarly with the call,
eval(call("+", c(2,3)))
does not produce desired results:
[1] 2 3
Desired result should simply return vector of length 1 with single value 5 as obtained via 2 + 3
eval(call("+", c(2,3)))
is working perfectly fine. You are calling unary plus with a vector, which returns the identical vector.
If you want to use binary plus, you need to supply two arguments:
eval(call("+", 2, 3))
#[1] 5
But do.call
should be preferable in production code:
do.call("+", list(2, 3))
#[1] 5