I tried implementing the JavaEE Inject jar from Wicket Stuff. (glassfish v3, wicket 1.4) - however, the code given in the tutorial doesn't work
method addComponentInstantiationListener in class org.apache.wicket.Application cannot be applied to given types
required: org.apache.wicket.application.IComponentInstantiationListener found: org.wicketstuff.javaee.injection.JavaEEComponentInjector
looks to me like the API has changed. The JIRA link inside
and the Repository link are both broken. Is it still maintained?
Another short question: Is it possible to populate ListView directly with entity beans? I'd like to avoid too many proxy classes.
Thanks in advance
Yes, you can inject a ListView with entity beans. You should do so by creating an implementation of IDataProvider (or one of it's sub-interfaces) for the iterator and have it wrap the entities with LoadableDetachableModel so they can be reloaded instead of serialized as a part of the session.