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Check whether zoom level changed

I'm using MapKit on iPhone. How can I know when the user changes the zoom level (zoom in\out the map)?

I've tried to use mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView regionDidChangeAnimated:(BOOL)animated; but that's called even when the map is only dragged. Unfortunately, when the map is dragged the mapView.region.span changes as well...




  • It is pretty simple to calculate the zoom level. See the snippet below. You can get the mRect parameter from the visibleMapRect property on your MKMapView instance.

    + (NSUInteger)zoomLevelForMapRect:(MKMapRect)mRect withMapViewSizeInPixels:(CGSize)viewSizeInPixels
        NSUInteger zoomLevel = MAXIMUM_ZOOM; // MAXIMUM_ZOOM is 20 with MapKit
        MKZoomScale zoomScale = mRect.size.width / viewSizeInPixels.width; //MKZoomScale is just a CGFloat typedef
        double zoomExponent = log2(zoomScale);
        zoomLevel = (NSUInteger)(MAXIMUM_ZOOM - ceil(zoomExponent));
        return zoomLevel;

    You could probably just stop at the step for calculating the zoomScale as that will tell you if the zoom has changed at all.

    I figured this stuff out from reading Troy Brants excellent blog posts on the topic:

    Swift 3

    extension MKMapView {
        var zoomLevel: Int {
            let maxZoom: Double = 20
            let zoomScale = self.visibleMapRect.size.width / Double(self.frame.size.width)
            let zoomExponent = log2(zoomScale)
            return Int(maxZoom - ceil(zoomExponent))