Search code examples

Issue with xsd:decimal when estimating the radius

I want to extract items that are located within 20 km of the given latitude and longitude. Below I provide my query. The only issue that it has is related to ?lat and ?long. They have the format like this "41.3823035"^^xsd:decimal. In the ontology file, latitude and longitude have the format xsd:float. When I run the query, I get the error:

Error 500: Infinite or NaN
Fuseki - version 2.4.1 (Build date: 2016-11-04T18:59:20+0000)

If I substitute ?lat by 41.38, and ?long by 2.22, then it works.

PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX oo:  <>
PREFIX oa: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX lfn: <>
PREFIX fn: <>
PREFIX afn: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?id ?kwds ?lat WHERE {
    ?p owl:id 123 .
    ?p rdf:type ?service .
    ?service rdfs:subClassOf ?family .
    ?otherService rdfs:subClassOf ?family .
    ?item rdf:type ?otherService .
    ?item owl:id ?id .
    ?item owl:latitude ?lat .
    ?item owl:longitude ?long .
    BIND ((lfn:degrees-to-radians(?lat)) AS ?lat1) .
    BIND ((lfn:degrees-to-radians(?long)) AS ?lon1) .
    BIND ((lfn:degrees-to-radians(41.384697)) AS ?lat2) .
    BIND ((lfn:degrees-to-radians(2.150849)) AS ?lon2) .
    BIND ((?lon2-?lon1) AS ?dlon) .
    BIND ((?lat2-?lat1) AS ?dlat) .
    BIND ((lfn:sq(lfn:sin(?dlat/2))+lfn:cos(?lat1)*lfn:cos(?lat2)*lfn:sin(?dlon/2) ) AS ?a) .
    BIND ((2*lfn:sin-1(lfn:sqrt(?a))) AS ?c) .
    BIND ((xsd:float(fn:round((6371*?c)))) AS ?dist) .
    FILTER ( ?dist < 25 ) .


The problem is caused by this line BIND ((2*lfn:sin-1(lfn:sqrt(?a))) AS ?c) .. For some values of lat and lon (0.0) it returns NaN.


  • I solved this issue by adding IF to the BIND statement:

    BIND (IF(?c != "NaN"^^xsd:double,xsd:float(fn:round((6371*?c))),999999) AS ?dist)