I wonder if there is any way i could retrieve all changes i made to my various configuration files since install(residing in /etc and so on) in one shot?
I imagine some kind of loop, that uses 'diff' to compare all those files to a 'standard installation' of ubuntu. Output should be a single file with information regarding the changes that were made and a timestamp.
Perhaps there is even a way to put all that in a script and let it run regularly to automatically keep track of future config file changes.
If the files are already modified, I guess your only option is to diff
your files with a fresh install. Keep in mind some files might be specific to you computer, I'm thinking of files that can hold device-specific values like your mac address udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
, your drives uuid /etc/fstab
, etc.
If you're planning this ahead, there are at least two options you can consider: