I get a push notification in my FireBaseService and I want to send it's data to MainActivity, below is my code:
Intent intent = new Intent("PUSH_NOTIFICATION");
intent.setClassName(this, MainActivity.class.getName());
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putParcelable("data", data);
intent.putExtra("notification bundle", bundle);
gets called but when I parse it, it gives me null data. Did I do anything wrong?
Thanks in advance.
Edit: My MainActivity launch mode is singleTop (to get same instance of it)
I found the answer, I read somewhere on Stackoverflow that Bundles have problem with Parcelable Objects, and it's better to convert them to Byte arrays and then bind them to Bundles, I didn't test it, but I bind JSON string itself and send it with Bundle and then parse it in onNewIntent() method, instead of parse it and send parcelable object, and it worked